
Archive for the ‘Pakistan’ Category

My recent history is that about five years ago I was much too busy, an owner of two companies and a pastor, all while I was turning fifty.  I hit a wall and had a mid-life crisis all at once.  I was burnt out and nearly broke.  I stepped down as pastor, sold one company and closed another.  For over three years our ministry involvement has been minimal and at times it seemed as if the Lord forgot me.

Almost as if a window has opened in heaven,  for the last few weeks, I’ve been getting divine appointments that look like this:  helping launch a friend into full-time ministry, someone giving me Spanish bibles a few days before someone shares a need for them, an impression by the Holy Spirit to give bibles (that I don’t have yet) to a pastor in Pakistan,  speaking a word in season to a friend struggling with major decisions, walking into a homeless ministry office to drop off a book and getting involved with fundraising.  And most of the open doors involve being a resource for the funding of other ministries.  This morning, the Lord gave me a special message to share with our bible study group that has broader applications to the pentecostal and charismatic churches.  I’ll share more about that in a later blog.

Serving God and others is the ultimate meaning of life, whether it’s on a public stage or unseen in the background.  I wake up every day to a new adventure, a new opportunity to serve.  – Jeff Burke

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